Past Events:
- Gender Equity in Immunology Symposium - Thursday, November 14, 2024
Location: Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

- Gender Equity in Immunology Symposium - Friday, November 17, 2023
Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium
Please join us for our 6th annual 2023 Gender Equity in Immunology Symposium. This year, we are partnering with Women in Life Sciences (WiLS) to highlight the research of gender minorities at the intersection of scientific fields.
- IgEquity Fall Luncheon - Tuesday, October 10, 2023
UCSF Parnassus Campus, Nursing Mezzanine
IgEquity invites you to join us for a social networking luncheon at the Parnassus campus, where trainees will have the opportunity to eat lunch with faculty members and discuss their work in immunology as well as their professional journeys in science. Through these luncheons, we hope to create a safe space to foster meaningful conversation and relationships.
- Bay Area Science Festival Discovery Day - November 2019 & March 2022
Event Details: Check out our smartphone microscopes, dress up like a scientist, and have your picture taken with some of our very own IgEquity leadership team scientists. Join us as we show students of all ages realize what a scientist looks like!
- IgEquity Spring Luncheon - May 2022
Event Details: Our social networking luncheon offers trainees the opportunity to eat lunch with faculty members and discuss their work and professional journeys in science.

- IgEquity Career Series - January and March 2021
Event Details: The IgEquity Career Series celebrates underrepresented genders in research at UCSF through learning about their professional and personal journeys in science.
- COVID-19 Virtual Symposium - June 4th, 2020, 2-4pm PST
Event Details: Guided by our mission to highlight, connect and support female scientists, ImmunoXX+ is hosting a COVID-19 Mini Symposium to showcase the current COVID-19 research efforts of 4 incredible female scientists. We will hear presentations from Drs. Carina Marquez, Ruby Yu, Kizzmekia Corbett, and Carolyn Calfee about topics ranging from viral transmission to the current state of antibody testing. The symposium will conclude with a 20-minute Q&A session. Throughout this event we are encouraging participants to donate to our sponsored partner, the Woman’s Global Empowerment Fund, who is working to prepare and equip local communities in Uganda to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
Donate to the Woman’s Global Empowerment Fund:
Couldn't attend? Click here for the recording of this event.
- How to Network with UCSF Connect - May 26, 2020
Event Details: To facilitate community and mentorship between women in science across career trajectories and industries, ImmunoXX+ has partnered with UCSF OCPD to create an ImmunoXX+ group on the networking platform UCSF Connect. We hope that this tool will help build connections between current UCSF scientists and alumni. During this two-part workshop, we will be going over the UCSF Connect platform, features of the ImmunoXX+ group, and strategies on how to best use UCSF Connect to expand your network. Join us for one or both parts of the session.
5-5:30pm Sara Ayazi, Office of Career and Professional Development: This part will discuss strategies on how to use UCSF Connect to expand your network, advance your career, and stay connected with the rest of the UCSF community. We will define the purpose of networking and articulating your goals and recognize various methods to find and approach professionals in your field using UCSF Connect.
5:30-6pm Katie Maloney, Alumni Relations: This part will provide an overview of UCSF Connect and how to use it to send messages and connect with the network, as well as the features of the ImmunoXX+ group.
- Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy Meeting - December 11, 2019
Event Details: ImmunoXX+ presents a Gender, Diversity and Inclusion strategy meeting featuring guest speakers Dr. Tiffany Scharschmidt, Dr. D'Anne Duncan, and Dr. Lisa Butterfield. Our speakers have extensive experience in promoting gender equity at UCSF, and previous institutions. We have invited them to share their experiences, and to discuss the gender equity initiatives currently ongoing at UCSF. We welcome students, postdocs, technicians, faculty, and staff to attend, listen and ask questions about how UCSF is approaching gender equity issues. As a second aim, we will ask our pane speakers about how ImmunoXX+ can provide resources, support, and awareness t issues of gender equity in ways that complement the current university wide and departmental programs.
Outcome/Meeting Note: Thank you to everyone that came to our Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy meeting! ImmunoXX+ leadership members Casey Burnett and Julie Garcia led us through a discussion with our panel, and subsequent discussion with our attendees.
Dr. Butterfield spoke about her time leading a Women's Task Force at Pitt. This task force employed a data-driven approach to bring transparency to salaries, grant awards, speaker invitations, and more. This data motivated the University of Pittsburgh to implement policies to ensure equity in hiring and salary decisions, as well as improving policies that affect the day-to-day work environment for faculty.
Dr. Tiffany Scharschmidt, a member of ImmunoX leadership, discussed initiatives aimed at both increasing gender and under-represented minority diversity within the ImmunoX program. Some initiatives include parental support programs, community building events and equity in scientific studies.
Dr. D'Anne Duncan spoke about initiatives to increase diversity at a university wide level and encouraged recruiting programs to attend conferences hosted by organizations such as Sacnas and ABRCMS to reach under-represented minorities. Additionally, D'Anne spoke about the diversity statement requirements for faculty applicants at UCSF. D'Anne also discussed programs to support and build community, such as the IMSD and Path to Postdoc programs.